Saturday, February 1, 2014

The topic of language as a means of communication and conveying ideas, has led to the little faces that people send to one another in order to covey not only their message but their feelings. The Japanese little faces called "emoji" that means "picture character" is in ways an expansion of human language. The small fragrant things such as the feelings and expressions at the time when you are texting or messaging are not truly expressed in words and can be the hardest to say but perhaps expressing them in the form of little faces could convey the idea or the feeling far better. Expressing words inform of emojis are an expansion of the horizon for communication through the medium of language and this expansion is resulted in positive interactions with people to understanding one another far better. With the use of these little faces, one is able to say something and express the feeling she is feeling wether it be angry, happy, sad or sahappy and the receiver can respond accordingly taking into account the feelings. The conversation becomes more lively and realistic as there is an interaction that conveys both ideas and feelings, which has indeed made these "picture characters" very useful and fun to use.

As seen in the video, the small little faces have changed from being an new page to a completed book. The whole set of emojis has brought about a change in the brains of mankind formulating a sense of recognition, understanding and is a proof of the diversity of language. The human brain is starting to recognise the little faces more easily causing us to understand them better and add it to our daily vocabulary

There is a progress in terms of education and the gaining knowledge. In relation to the context of language there has been of development in the way we sent text which has gone from just texts to emojis and now to bigger version of emojis known as stickers. Language is therefore a development and is an open discussion, which kind of explains why there are new generation messed up words that enter the dictionary every now and then like "selfie" and "twerk" which are now actually officially words on the the dictionary and "selfie" was the word of the year in the year 2013. But the progress of refining language could only result in an positive out come, as the more words we have knowledge of the more words we can use to describe something or perhaps find different ways to explain something on an english essay which is always crucial. Language therefore is indulging in a constant process of progression where it develops and enhances itself for the people of the generations to perfectly express themselves and their feelings and  therefore languages has to constantly adapt the needs of the people. Language is never seen to however indulge in a process of regression, the reason being language is a widely needed tool in order to express one self and taking away words to communicate would require us to resort to sign language which is rather backward, time consuming and require a lot of time and effort to get used to not to mention that it is highly inconvenient; but if there is ever a positive to that at least the deaf can feel at home. All jokes aside the benefit of language is gained only when it progresses and amends to the needs of the people interns of conveying ideas and expressing feelings.

Language is a universal way of conveying and expressing ideas and feelings. Although a lot of people  might have different languages, people still use a medium to convey ideas and feelings. We as human beings are social animals and the urge to convey thoughts, ideas and express our feelings tends to be a universal desire, therefore making language more universal method. Language however as discussed before is a progressively changing aspect that amends to our needs of expression. Language   doesn't drastically change over time, unless Germany won the war and we would all be speaking german the next day, but that aside language has build a strong foundation and any new word would be something that is culturally new or is a new aspect of life. Taking for example the new word that has entered the dictionary in the year 2013; the word "harlem shake" was a dance that dominated the internet and brought about a new cultural aspect to our global world. The way to express this dace was by calling it "harlem shake" and was a way of conveying the thought of the dance to another person. In such way language has developed to help convey certain ideas to other people; analogously what the development of language revels to us is that there a development in cultural and global aspects of mankind that we require new words to describe them in order to covey that thought to someone else. What development in language comments on the human race is their development, evolution and global growth. This would intern language to further develop to amend to our needs of expressing our selfs.


Anonymous said...

Great image choices! Check your language and grammar in the section on emojis, but otherwise good thoughts here!

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