Saturday, November 23, 2013

TED talks always get you to think about a certain idea which always has a good point of view and gets me writing yet another post about but the two videos are quite relative to TOK and thats great cause thats more to write about.

The world is full of wonders, there is so much to see, hear understand, recollect and reminisce. Well our  brain being such a complex organ, that lets you perceive vision, audio and pain is apparently is bad at multi-tasking which rises the question how are we such great multi-taskers if our brains is not. Apparently we aren't great multi-taskers as switching between tasks isn't multi-tasking and that makes more sense to be honest. Well our sensory organs however great they are have some limitations and watching the TED talk will probably explain it far better.

That was a mind boggling TED talk, well to be honest it was more show and tell than a talk alone. But it was impressive nonetheless. This arises the question how far can we trust our senses? Senses are something we use everyday and something you invest a lot of your time using and the fact that these sense are probably at times unreliable brings about the idea of uncertainty. Our brain being so complex, yet it cant cope up with multiple things, this is a loop that can be exploited and is a fantastic way to probably pick up some cash on the way to school (and return it obviously cause then it would be steeling and thats just a no). Our sense are dependent on many factors, who you are,where you are, and so on and such great influence on senses greatly affects are senses which brings us to two things, one how can we trust our senses despite them being so unreliable? and two another TED talk :) .

So not only are our sense unreliable at times but our decisions are also based on external factors. Its wonderful how the world around us can have such great influence on out sensory aspects and also our logic aspect of life. As seen in the video different external factors play a huge role in our lives and is essential in making decisions.

To conclude our logical reasoning and our sensory organs both have there limitations, so that brings up the question, what can we trust? Well despite the limitations of both logical reasoning and also sensory organs, these are essential in our way of life and in our path of know how we know and what we know. Senses are essential and are the colours that paint the world around you.  It is the means by which we perceive facts, data and other aspects of life and our logical reasoning is essential in making decisions in this painted world. However influential our senses and our reasoning are doesn't change the fact that both of these are solely essential for us human beings for our way of life. 

Speaking of life and painting, there is an amazing inspirational quote that really stood out and truly gives an appreciation for life, your senses and your logical reasoning.

"Everyday is a brushstroke on the canvas which is life, and in the end only you can see the mistakes"
- Rebecca Hitchman


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