Saturday, November 23, 2013

The world is a perception of our senses and a translation of the brain to make the reality in which we
live. The brain in our heads makes the bridge between us and the world around us. The creation of that bridge or perhaps the translations of the perceptions of our senses are greatly influenced by external factors. Like discussed before the choice we make in the situations we are in a influenced by the options presented to us, or what we hear, see are all influenced by what we know already or what we understand so far. To come to terms of why are sense are changing variables or unreliable at times, requires us to understand that everything we see is just a interaction of light and our eyes. Everything else is just a interpretations by the brain of this interaction.  Therefore during this interpretation of our perceptions the brain tends to rely on our past experiences, patterns and sequences to put together the world we live in. Therefore as a fact what you see is not what you believe but what you believe is what you see. some of the few problems that sense perception boils down to can perhaps be identified and realised, however knowing these problems does not make our senses any better and these are fundamental defects in our senses.
  • Past experience - Past experience is rather relevant as the brain uses past experiences to prepare itself for future ones. It tells signals the body to predict danger or to convince us that orange juice is orange juice. A lot of life is based on past experiences and experiences to others. Therefore the brain tells us what to expect this based on past experience rather than what actually happens.
  • Through social and cultural conditioning - We have multiple social and cultural aspects all around us and such thoughts and judgements often lead us to expect something that could possibly be wrong. The culture and social aspects much like past experiences have conditioned us to expect something when that is probably not the case.
  • Through spatial familiarity - Our brain processes information to identify patterns and shapes which we already posses and ridged understanding over. This methodology of understanding and perceiving causes a loop in our sense that cause them to be unreliable and cause us to perceive differently. 
  • Through our biological limitations - The human senses are limited to a certain degree of information at a time, and this is a factor that affects how much we know and the affects are perception of the world around us.
  • Through existing learning structures - The way we perceive the world around us can be greatly influenced by an important conceptual alternative ways of knowing.
  • Through seeing the in existing - The human eyes are capable of seeing optical illusions that cause the eyes to see what is not there and this further makes the senses unreliable. How are the human eyes able to see what is not there. 
  • Through our dependence on language - The use of language around us vastly affects the way we perceive objects. The use of more positive words towards an objects tends to make it more attractive and more appealing to the people and therefore language plays a vital role in the way we perceive the world around us. 
  • Through filtering - The human mind receives a lot more information than what is processed and the irrelevant information is filtered out causing the person to ideally focus on a particular bit of information. This affects our perception of the surroundings as the perception is generally limited to certain bits of information to maintain focus and enhance the work efficiency.
  • Through self perception - How the human body thinks of itself will greatly affect the information taken by the person and this is relevant as this is different for person to person 

“All seeing is seeing-as… There is no ‘innocent eye’. In order for you to receive something you must add to your sense data; you must furnish an element of projection.” R. Abel. 
Tautology is the practise of re-emphasising the same point with the use of different or more complex words. Establishing an understanding of the limitations of our senses and understanding how we perceive the world around us differently; attempting to explain this quote will require one to implement tautology. The idea that people perceive information differently is widely acknowledged. There are some fact that we humans have kept general to all, such as gravity is 10 newtons, if you jump of a cliff you fall or there is oxygen in air (a more tok example can be that if you are nice to your tok teacher, you are sure to get chocolates). However more life based examples are always influenced by the people around us, the choice we are presented with and many more. There is no information that is not influenced and this is because of our brains mission to find patterns and rhythms in our lives. Therefore when we perceive something we use prior experience or knowledge to further improve the perception of the present. We use the past to make decisions and better perceive the future although they might not always be correct or useful at the particular place and time. Sometimes a quote just says it all and there is no better way of saying it.

Although the human senses do have certain limitations and are blinded by them, these limitations can indeed cause us to perceive the world differently; however our senses always brings about a sense of appreciation for the world we live in and that is elementary and essential. 


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