Tuesday, November 5, 2013

To be short Theory of Knowledge is an added subject to the six subjects you choose in IB and the reason you do them because it is an IB requirement to get the IB diploma. But thats not all to it, perhaps in the literal sense but TOK is more than just an IB requirement, its a course that lets you take a step back and think about what you know and how you know them. It is an interesting concept cause everything we know is not something we were born with, we were not born with knowledge but then how did we know everything we know and thats the idea TOK likes to exploit. So if you are in a TOK class and the question "How do you know" hasn't come up, then you are defiantly in the wrong class or you can just be proactive about it and ask the teacher the same question and then you get back on track.

Well although theory of knowledge is done as part of an IB requirement, the hidden reason behind it is that it makes us more open, we are exposed to more and we know how we know more, we tend to think about our lives more; perhaps it accomplishes what Middle Year Program has relentlessly being try to make us which is more open minded and critical thinkers. Being aware of the world we live in is essential in the future and makes us more proactive in the world we live in. That and the extra points you get for TOK factors into our incentive for the lesson and well if you have a great TOK teacher you have another reason to look forward to some activity enriched fun classes.

Well my expertise on TOK is budding flower but reflecting on the process is makes you think a lot more and well if it dint come to you as a surprise, its a part of the TOK requirements; not really but we have to do it anyways.

How do we know, what we know? thats a good question. Most of what we know are affected by our senses, our understanding of the world is painted by our sense perception and most of what we know is affected by sense perception. Reason is another one, we has human beings try to come to a rational logical conclusion for everything. Language yet another one, never clearly got that one, will figure it out sooner or later. Faith believing in things that might not be so evident and that factors into
how we know. Emotion is also another factor. Intuition thats a beauty cause most of the things are just you gut feelings. Lastly experience counts as one of the major ways we know, our past experiences alter future ones.

The essence of Theory of knowledge is that it helps us to consider how we know what we know and also is relatively good chance of knowing more about what you know how. The fun rests in the arguments and the discussions and the learning that come out of the two is enlightening. Personally the thought of more mind boggling questions is really a wonderful thought to behold as it arises a lot of arguments that makes one consider situations and possibilities never considered before. 


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